My adoption fears
There are no real statistics online (or maybe anywhere) for how many adoptions go wrong. Even the statistics perhaps grudgingly given by each adoption agency on number of 'disrupted adoptions' doesn't really get it right. There are plenty of adoptions which don't work, even though the family continues to be family. This is my number one fear: my adoption will not work out. But I have tons of fears about this process. Some days I feel overwhelmed by them and think I am setting myself up for disaster.
Other days I try to keep the fear in check. Today is not one of those days. I read an article on a Canadian woman who summarized Kazakhstan as one of 'the most corrupt' adoption processes out there. She was presented baby after baby and child after child who were sick children, despite she was told there were healthy children available. My second biggest fear. And as much research and reading as I do, I cannot connect these dots. How is it that some parents report that they meet a few children, all look pretty good and healthy, and they go home with a little son or daughter. And then you have the others where it seems that someone in that process all along was planning on screwing them?
Anyhow, in short, here's what I worry about on freakout days, and I'm pretty sure its not abnormal.
1)I bring home a child who has attachment disorders or other permanent emotional disorders and bonding never occurs
2)I go to Kazakhstan for my adoption and all I find is lie after lie after corruption and bribes
3)I am shown only children that I am not prepared to adopt
4)I find that the medical reports etc are lying and my child has some severe medical issue that was covered up.
5) I find that my child has some severe medical issue that was UNdiagnosed!
6)The adoption process in Kazakhstan stops for whatever reason, and after waiting for a year or more I will have done all this for nothing
7) Fooling so long with the adoption and having it not work out, and then finding out that I waited too long to have a biological child.
I also have fleeting, what if this whole thing is a mistake stuff, but that actually is pretty rare.